Neem & Turmeric Soap. Good for Skin

A solid soap by joy-5

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Needed Ingredients

Water + Lye

7.26 oz Water

2.84 oz 100% Purity NaOH


1.34 oz Neem Oil

3.36 oz Ricinus Oil (Castor Oil)

1.34 oz Avocado Oil

5.63 oz Coconut Oil - All Grades except Virgin

2.28 oz Shea Fruit Butter

8.05 oz Olive Oil - All Grades

Additives + Additional Ingredients

2 tablespoon Turmeric powder. add after take off heat

1 teaspoon mica color powder, sprinkled on top of mold.

2 ounce aloe or yogurt, add at the end. after take off heat.

2 ounce 1-2 oz chamomile flowers, broken up, placed on bottom of mold before pouring wet soap in

2 tablespoon Neem Leaf Powder, dissolved into 1/3 cup oils from batch. Stir well. Add while still on heat, but at end of cooking.

2 ounce fragrance oil. this time use Rose from refrig.

Recipe Instructions

Use HP method. Add the additional ingredients, including the neem oil, the turmeric, and the avocado oils at the end, after take off heat. Wait 5 minutes after stirring, before unmolding. Put the broken up flower petals on the bottom of the mold, before putting the wet soap into the mold. Sprinkle the blue mica powder on the top of the mold. Use HP method. See the saved recipe in Word. Remember, if it gets too thick, you can always add more distilled water, and stir into the soap. jw. I made this soap...too little oils...didn't fill a 22 oz mold. I've re-sized it. Try again!

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Soap Properties

Highlighted gray ranges represent recommended ranges for each property.


INS: 144.56 (ideal)

ideal 15%

iodine: 63.57 (ideal)

ideal 15%

Calculated Values for Oils and Preferences

Superfat % 10%
Saturated 7.28 Ounce(s)
Mono-Unsaturated 11.88 Ounce(s)
Poly-Unsaturated 1.48 Ounce(s)
Saturated:Unsaturated Ratio 64.73:35.27
Lye concentration 100%
Weight Unit Ounce(s)
Soap type solid

Fatty Acid Profile

Oleic 40.25%
Linoleic 6.72%
Linolenic 0%
Ricinoleic 13.75%
Lauric 12.03%
Myristic 4.79%
Palmitic 8.87%
Stearic 7.40%

Recommended Additive Amounts

Swipe on table to see all values

For Advanced Soapmakers